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Broker Spotlight: Deborah Penny

Name: Deborah Penny

Title: Designated managing broker, broker operations

Experience: 35+ years

Location: San Ramon, California

Brokerage name: eXp Realty of California, Inc.

How did you get your start in real estate?

During the first few years of our marriage, before I was licensed, my husband and I moved several times due to corporate relocation. Even though we heard real estate horror stories from family and friends, the agents we worked with were not only knowledgeable, but they understood the stresses associated with the purchase and sale of a home and made it a great experience.

When I decided to pursue a career in real estate, I wanted to make sure my clients had a strong advocate in their corner and had the kind of great experiences we had. I can tell you honestly that it has had its ups and downs, but it has been an amazing ride that I wouldn’t have wanted to miss out on.   

What is your top tip for freshly licensed brokers?

For those who decide to obtain their broker’s license and do so, congratulations! Now, be aware that with the title, a higher level of knowledge is expected of you and the liability is greater. Understand that this business is constantly changing, and engage in ongoing education. Getting that license was just the tip of the iceberg.

What do you wish every agent knew?

A career in real estate is not for the faint of heart. It is constantly changing and takes perseverance, continuing education and is filled with highs and lows.  If you want to be successful, plan to commit to your real estate career full-time. 

Also, this is a people-centric business, and your success depends on the trust and connections you establish, not only with potential clients but with others in the real estate community.  Take time to understand the needs and goals of your clients, and be a reliable and empathetic advisor.

In this career, you get out of it what you put into it, setbacks provide the greatest lessons, and those lessons make you a stronger agent. Stay the course, continually refine your skills, bet on yourself, and you will navigate the ups and downs and achieve long-term success.

What’s something you know now that you wish you knew when you started?

Be your authentic self. Don’t be someone you aren’t because that is unsustainable. Things won’t always go your way, and people won’t always be kind. Learn to adapt and pivot when needed.

Master the basics and then build upon them by embracing new trends, technologies and client needs.  Even when it is scary and takes you way outside of your comfort zone, keep moving forward. I guarantee you, it will be worth it!

Troy Palmquist is the director of growth for eXp California. Follow him on Instagram or connect with him on LinkedIn.

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