Sure, we all want our 'friends' (and their friends) to engage with us online both personally and professionally, but don't make these gross moves
May 8
Meditation can help you relax, focus and be the real estate pro you want to be
May 1
We can't all be Joan Jett — so if you do give a damn about your bad reputation, check out these tools that'll help you keep up with the word on the curb
Apr 25
If you wouldn’t put all your financial investments into one basket, why would you even consider putting all your lead generation efforts into one?
Apr 10
You don’t need to be paranoid and quake in fear every time you show a home or hold an open house — but you do need to prepare for a worst-case scenario
Apr 3
The alternatives could almost always be far worse, so focus on the positive
Mar 27
Be a good human and understand that helping others through social media can and will lead to future business
Mar 20
Keep being human and focus your energy and effort on providing a stellar customer service experience with a healthy dose of empathy
Mar 13
Look at your blog as a platform for showcasing your expertise and your personality, and you might just find yourself a successful real estate blogger
Mar 6
Please, continuously learn, hone your craft, and get information from the source
Mar 1
If you don't believe it, just ask Tiger Woods, Toyota and British Petroleum
Feb 20
Although these truths might be difficult for buyers, sellers and their agents to accept, they are unyielding
Feb 13
Whether it's on social media, at the office or onstage at ICNY, it seems our industry is seeing an influx of insults toward fellow pros simply because they do business differently
Feb 6
Everyone has their quirks — for Lady Gaga it's wearing meat dresses, and for your clients, it's something else. Either way, everyone deserves a chance to be heard before they're judged
Jan 30
Make the ask, provide resources to make it easier for the reviewer, and bake reviews into your business plan
Jan 23
Rather than banging people over the head with your needs, try prospecting with the mindset of reaching out to others and offering availability, assistance and professionalism
Jan 16
Here's my 2019 outlook, based on what I read, things I know, people I’ve talked to and complete whimsy
Jan 2
Buying awards you didn't earn, pretending to dial the wrong number and using typos to sound more human are no way to build a business
Dec 19
We can’t just talk about doing things differently, it’s time to take action
Dec 12
If you remember to treat a fellow human as you’d like to be treated, then you have the key to success
Dec 5