10 questions that'll predict whether a new agent will make it
Real estate can be a highly rewarding business — provided you have certain behavior styles and personality traits. These questions are highly predictive of whether a newbie will do well in this industry
by Bernice Ross Oct 13
Doors open, doors close: 6 strategies that generate (and kill) business
What habits or practices make you more successful — or diminish your chances of getting to the closing table — in today’s market?
by Troy Palmquist Aug 6
3 ways to make this summer a productive one
Summer might look a little different this year, but that doesn't mean teams shouldn't ready themselves for high volumes of business. Here's how to stay productive this season, while making sure to carve out some time for rest and relaxation
by Mauricio Umansky Jun 25
5 ways to stay on the right side of the law
Document and record everything: You'll be glad you did in the event of a dispute
by Summer Goralik Jan 14
22 ways real estate pros are showing gratitude this year
Clients, colleagues, community — how are you showing your gratitude this year?
by Christy Murdock Nov 26
What new agents should do as the selling season slows
The selling year has its own ebb and flow, and when it slows, agents should take time for themselves
by Nicole Solari Oct 29
Connect: Top 10 networking tips
How to make meaningful connections and profitable partnerships
by Inman Oct 25
5 must-do's for brand new real estate agents
Whatever your background, here are the main things to focus on as you launch your real estate career
by Christy Murdock Oct 23
7 earned lead generation tactics for new real estate agents
Whether you’re a new agent or one who needs a boost in leads, these strategies will strengthen your efforts
by Chadwick Ciocci Oct 21
Hate networking? Here’s how to make it less painful
Every agent knows that networking is essential, but many either don’t know where to start or just plain don’t want to. Learn why it's so critical and what your options are
by Dave Nimick Oct 1
Lead-gen game changer: Work the warm calls
Throughout your career, you’ll need to continue this network-building, back to basics, sphere of influence marketing
by Marilyn Blume Sep 25
How to use social media to deepen your niche
Social media expert Karen Albert has a few simple tips for the top social media sites for agents — they all start with finding your ideal clients
by Pat Hiban Sep 24
How to target market luxury clients on LinkedIn
Here's how to rub elbows with luxury players on the social network for professionals
by Italina Kirknis Sep 23