Coach Dr. Lee Davenport shares the importance of creating safe spaces
Real estate coach and trainer Dr. Lee Davenport shares how agents can use emotional intelligence to help themselves and clients thrive through the pandemic
by Marian McPherson Aug 10
What team leaders can do to promote wellness and self-care
Many real estate agents have been working harder than ever through this challenging time, so here are some ways leaders can take care of their agents
by Mauricio Umansky Jun 11
Take 10 minutes to add some zen to your day with this guided work flow
If being productive is a challenge, try watching this video and doing a little business yoga for your mindset and inbox
by Rachael Hite Apr 27
woman working from home on a laptop
Working from home may be your new normal, but it doesn’t mean you have to let your professional image fall by the wayside. Take some advice from the top YouTubers on DIY grooming
by Christy Murdock Mar 26
10 strategies for combating the stress of uncertainty
While you can’t anticipate what the pandemic will do in the future, you can control how you respond to it. Follow these 10 strategies that’ll help ease your anxiety and reduce your stress
by Bernice Ross Mar 18
5 ways to calm anxiety and keep your business moving forward
Struggling with the extra stress of uncertainty? Here are a few ways to keep those fears at bay so you can manage your business effectively
by Rachael Hite Mar 10
Struggling to pack it all in? Here's how to own your time
Take control — stop being reactive, and start being proactive. You'll thank yourself for making the change
by Stephanie Lanier Feb 2
Stuck in a sales slump? 5 steps to work your way out
Everyone hits a slump at some point in their career. Here are 5 approaches to get you out of it
by Anthony West Jan 24
Overworked and underpaid? Learn how (and when) to say no
It’s a tough skill to learn, but setting your boundaries with a polite — but firm — saying 'no' is an essential way to control your time, energy and professional life
by Christy Murdock Jan 22
Put yourself front and center: 10 tips for living your best life
Focus on what makes you shine. The kinder you are to yourself, the better you’ll feel about everyone and everything else in your world
by Christy Murdock Jan 8
Feeling the burnout? 8 tips for getting yourself back on track
With the changing landscape of our field, the changing business models and the speed at which we have to respond to survive, it’s strategic and smart to start practicing self-care
by Stephanie Lanier Jan 3
We crowdsourced your New Year's resolutions: Here's what 30 real estate professionals told us
We reached out and you responded! Here’s what you’re planning in the New Year and beyond
by Christy Murdock Dec 31
Sara Werner Costa on 'inner peace and a constant state of joy'
The ICNY 2020 panelist and The Costa Group CEO shares how a background in psychology guides her personal and business life
by Marian McPherson Dec 23