You already take care of everyone else, but what are you doing for yourself? Bernice Ross offers advice on prioritizing self-care in 2025.

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Every year, most people make at least one or more New Year’s resolutions. The most common one you’re likely to break is to take better care of yourself.

You intend to exercise regularly, drop those holiday pounds or spend more time with your loved ones, but those goals get pushed aside as business and personal obligations get in the way.

As we move into 2025, self-care needs to be more than just a resolution — it’s a necessity that should be your priority every day. If you’re ready to start putting your self-care first in 2025, here’s how to do it. 

Schedule your self-care and recharge time prior to scheduling anything else

Realtors are no strangers to burnout. The real estate business demands long hours, constant availability to clients, and high-stakes negotiations, often at the expense of your personal health. 

The most common mistake Realtors make is failing to schedule their personal time off and then treating those time slots the same way they would treat a listing appointment. In other words, you don’t cancel that appointment time with yourself unless there’s an emergency or some other urgent situation.

When a buyer or seller attempts to cut into your family or personal time, here’s how to respond:  

Agent: “I have another appointment at that time. Would tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. work for you?” 

There’s no need to justify or explain what your appointment is. Remember, “No” is a complete sentence. 

Create a personalized self-care plan 

Building a personalized self-care plan involves a mix of daily habits, regularly scheduled time to relax and recharge, as well as enjoying some indulgences along the way. While each person’s ideal recharge routine will vary, one proven approach is to tap into four core areas: physical, mental, spiritual and emotional.

By incorporating habits that include all four areas, you can create a sustainable routine that boosts your energy while also protecting your health.

1. Recharge physically by fueling your body for peak performance

Recharging physically is one of the most effective ways to start your self-care journey. Good physical health results in increased stamina, improved mental clarity, plus greater resilience. Here are the essentials to consider: 

Prioritize sleep: Lack of sleep is linked to burnout, stress and lower productivity. Set a non-negotiable bedtime and aim for at least one “sleep-in” morning each week to let your body recover fully.

Move your body daily: Movement doesn’t have to be intense to be effective. Try short, daily walks, yoga sessions or even an at-home workout routine that aligns with your schedule. Many Realtors find that moving their bodies daily helps reduce stress and keeps them sharp when working with clients. 

Make healthy nutritional choices: Real estate can be a grab-and-go job. Planning quick healthy snacks and meals in advance, can help you stay energized throughout the day without having to jack yourself up with caffeine or sugar. Apps like MyFitnessPal or Noom allow you to track what you’re eating and make healthier decisions on the go.

2. Recharge mentally by decluttering your mind 

Mentally recharging involves finding ways to quiet your mind and shut out what’s stressful in your life. Here are some tips. 

Stop multitasking: It’s important to realize that effective concentration only happens when the mind is focused on a single task. Your conscious brain (frontal lobes) can only concentrate on one thought at a time. The truth is that when you think you’re multi-tasking, you’re really task-shifting. Task shifting not only requires more time but also decreases the quality of the work that you do complete.  

Meditate: Meditation apps such as Headspace and Calm offer quick, guided sessions that can help you recharge mentally. Just 10 minutes of mindfulness a day can improve mental clarity and reduce stress.

Engage in a mental hobby: Shift your focus away from real estate by solving crossword or jigsaw puzzles, word games, or games like chess. These activities distract your mind from worries and give your mind a chance to engage in mental play.  

Journal: Journaling can be a powerful way to clear mental clutter as well as sparking solution to issues that have been difficult to solve. 

3. Recharge spiritually by reconnecting with what matters

Many people overlook their spiritual well-being even though it plays a powerful role in resilience, motivation and stress reduction. Spirituality can take many different forms. Here are some suggestions. 

Immerse yourself in nature: Spending time outdoors and connecting with nature is a proven way to reduce stress, lower blood pressure and elevate mood. Make it a weekly habit to visit a park, go hiking or simply enjoy a quiet morning coffee outside. Expressing gratitude for these moments makes it even more powerful. 

Engage in activities that connect body, mind and recharge your spirit: Yoga, Tai Chi and prayer usually result in increased relaxation as you enter into a calmer state of mind.  Many people experience a deep sense of peace or even a surge of energy when they engage in these practices. Sign up for live classes or follow along with online videos that make it easy to incorporate these into your routine.

Engage in acts of service: Helping others is a proven way to nourish your spirit. Whether it’s volunteering in your community, mentoring a child in school, or simply being a helpful resource to your clients, acts of kindness and generosity result in a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Also, when you give back to others, it always comes back to you, often in unexpected ways.  

4. Recharge emotionally by filling your cup with joy

In a business that revolves around serving others, real estate agents often put their clients’ needs before their own, leaving little emotional energy for themselves. Recharging emotionally is essential for Realtors, and it can be surprisingly simple.

Laughter therapy: Studies have shown that laughter releases endorphins, reduces stress and even boosts immunity. Make it a habit to watch funny shows, read humorous books, and share laughs with friends and family.

Strengthen relationships: Schedule regular time with family and friends, and make an effort to be fully present. Research shows that spending quality time with loved ones not only reduces stress but also increases life satisfaction.

Practice gratitude: A great way to start and end each day is by listing five things for which you are grateful. Also, it’s virtually impossible to be angry if you’re expressing gratitude. This is an excellent practice that can help you start and end your day with a more grounded, positive outlook.

Integrate self-care into your daily routine

Once you’ve mapped out your recharge plan, the next step is integrating it into your daily life. The best place to begin is by blocking your self-care time just as you would for any other appointment. Treat it as a commitment, not an option.

Use technology to keep you on track 

Many phones have apps that track your steps, sleep, heart rate, and stress levels. Tech tools like Fitbits and Apple watches can also monitor these for you and assess how well your self-care journey is going. 

Small actions can lead to big changes 

Small action steps done consistently can yield major results over time. Some examples include drinking water when you wake up, taking five-minute stretch breaks every hour, or setting an alarm that reminds you to take time to break for lunch, take a walk, or start winding down for the day. 

Regularly evaluate and readjust

Life changes quickly, especially in real estate. Reassess your self-care plan every few months to ensure it still aligns with your needs and lifestyle. Be flexible and willing to adjust as needed.

Are you ready to embrace a happier and healthier you?

If so, begin by making your self-care a priority. By committing to your own well-being, you not only improve your quality of life, but you will also experience more energy, productivity, resilience and, most importantly, have both a more productive business and a satisfying personal life. 

Bernice Ross, president and CEO of BrokerageUP and, and the founder of is a national speaker, author and trainer with over 1,500 published articles.

Bernice Ross
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