5 reasons your clients should buy their home now
The pros and cons of winter homebuying
by Sharon Voss Dec 7
Riding the home inspection merry-go-round
Thank goodness for the brokers who manage expectations
by Bernice Ross Nov 16
4 ways you can nail due diligence before listing
These tips will help you prepare for problems that could arise
by Jay Luebke Oct 7
Teach homebuyers the ins and outs of home warranties
Take collapsing ceilings, hidden drug money, and ferrets in stride
Why it's wise to reveal all 'bad' information upfront
by Dian Hymer Mar 25
Steps HOA should take to eliminate fire hazard
by Barry Stone Mar 13
How to transform a real estate eyesore into a cash cow
by Dian Hymer Feb 18
Too many contingencies can put buyers at a competitive disadvantage
by Dian Hymer Feb 4
Physical condition is just the tip of the iceberg
by Dian Hymer Dec 17
Stand your ground even if agent advises against them
by Benny Kass Aug 28
From Zillow blog
by Inman Feb 24
Sellers typically provide report from qualified contractor
by Barry Stone Jan 31