14 insightful tips for agents looking to save money in their business
From resisting shiny objects (so to speak) to taking advantage of local intern pools, here's how industry experts say agents can save their pennies in an ever-shifting market
by Lillian Dickerson Apr 18
The Complete Seller Lead promises the money is in the follow up
A new company and product from ex-Zillow ad execs offers more detailed leads and a 12-month automated follow-up plan
by Craig C. Rowe Jun 14
Going all in with Zillow leads? 3 tips for winning big
If you're betting on purchased leads, conversion is the name of the game. Here are Winston Murray's top strategies
by Pat Hiban Jun 12
Tech meets tradition: How to make your direct mail count
Direct mail has never been easier or more technically sophisticated than it is now
by Craig C. Rowe May 9
Structurely's personable chatbot will cultivate leads for you
100% AI-based Aisa Holmes can qualify leads from multiple platforms and sympathize with prospects
by Craig C. Rowe Dec 11
Lead thinks you're the listing agent? Zillow's StreetEasy offers responses
Scripts included in New York City listing portal's new agent resource center
by Teke Wiggin Jun 21
Email scam hawks fake Zillow leads to agents
A Zillow Group rep told one agent that the company was investigating the scam
by Teke Wiggin Apr 7
Podcast: How a real estate broker-owner closes 20 Zillow deals a year
4 steps to make your time and money investment worthwhile
by Pat Hiban Feb 14
Businessmen exchanging money on the street
Listing portal makes it easier for advertisers to turn leads they won't service into profit
by Teke Wiggin May 12
InsideTech: KW team leader builds better-managed database, LeadJenny
Looking at online lead generation from an agent's perspective, Mark Murray built a better way to keep in touch
by Craig C. Rowe Apr 11
A tape measure measuring out some wood
Zillow's latest seller-focused tool could fuel adoption of its agent app
by Teke Wiggin Apr 7
Zillow recording phone calls between agents and leads
While some agents appreciate the service, others find it unsettling
by Teke Wiggin Feb 4
Re/Max integrates agent software with Zillow under 'landmark agreement'
Integration part of real estate franchisor's renewed listing syndication agreement with listing portal
by Teke Wiggin Nov 11
Market Leader integration with Zillow will help agents manage online leads
Market Leader integrates with Zillow Tech Connect: Leads
by Teke Wiggin Mar 25