How to navigate home tours, tend to delicate emotions and master the art of distraction
Jul 12
Best of our industry coverage collected for your convenience
Jul 10
Best of our industry coverage collected for your convenience
Jul 4
Should you be panicked, or persuading your clients to calm down?
Jun 27
Best of our industry coverage collected for your convenience
Jun 26
Who are the top real estate agents in the land?
Jun 24
Best of our industry coverage collected for your convenience
Jun 19

Last week at the National Association of Real Estate Editor’s (NAREE) conference, an award ceremony was held to honor some of the best real estate journalism published in 2015. The top award of the night — the Platinum Award — was given to Josh Salman of the Sarasota HeraldTribune, whose in-depth coverage of the EB-5 visa for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune earned him the prize.

Jun 14
Best of our industry coverage collected for your convenience
Jun 12
This is the company's sixth time on the list in 10 years
Jun 7

Mortgage rates plus all the latest real estate market news.

Jun 7
Best of our industry coverage collected for your convenience
Jun 5
Here's an in-depth look at the association's biggest expense: paying its employees (and certain board members)
Jun 3
Best of our industry coverage collected for your convenience
May 30
Best of our industry coverage collected for your convenience
May 22
Best of our industry coverage collected for your convenience
May 15
15 participants will vie for the 2016 title
May 11
Inman pitted man (broker) against machine (robot). Which was better at targeting buyer preferences?
May 10

Today, Alex Lange confirmed what Brad Inman told everyone last week: He’s been named the new CEO of Upstream.

May 9
Best of our industry coverage collected for your convenience
May 9