Despite lifestyle benefits, hidden costs exist
by Benny Kass Sep 18
Book Review: 'Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength' 8 of top 10 markets with biggest declines are in California
by Paul Hagey Sep 18
Trade group questions proposed mortgage regulations
by Inman Sep 17
As industry moves to paperless, agents must understand contract provisions
by Bernice Ross Sep 17
Largest C21 franchisee in Europe extends affiliation dating to 1987
by Inman Sep 17
30-second spot will air on ABC Family, HGTV, CNN, Travel Channel
by Inman Sep 17
For-sale inventory hits lowest level in 7 years
by Inman Sep 17
Effective visual techniques for agents behind the camera
by Inman Sep 17
How, when and why to take a reverse mortgage
by Jack Guttentag Sep 17
In high-demand markets, tactic works wonders
by Dian Hymer Sep 17