Real Safe 911 offers exact locations, video for emergency calls
A real estate agent could use the app if an emergency occurs during a showing, according to Lee Goldstein, CEO of Real Safe Agent
by Andrea V. Brambila Jun 25
Pokemon Go
Learn how to use the popular mobile app for your business
by Brandon Doyle Aug 24
How to design a better online experience and turn inquiries into clients
The overlooked weak link in real estate safety
Why mobile apps make home shopping easier
The case for including apps in your mobile strategy
by Neha Kamran Apr 28
Could the Supreme Court put an end to open house signs?
Realtors must act quickly to save them
by Sam DeBord Dec 4
3 apps to prepare sellers for D-Day
Plus bonus tips that will help you give your clients added value
by Lee Davenport Nov 30
Why mobile admin is the next big thing
Manage all your tasks at the tap of a phone
by Randall Standard Nov 5
Why IDX is the future of mobile search
Customers can get immediate results when searching for homes on their smartphones
by Randall Standard Oct 2
8 simple should-haves when choosing a real estate app developer
What you need to get the most out of your app
by Neha Kamran Sep 28
5 ways to stay safe when meeting potential buyers
Plus the newest safety technology brought to you for National Realtor Safety Month
by Wendy Forsythe Sep 24
5 surprisingly useful apps for agents
They keep you safe and productive and help you showcase photos and design possibilities
by Lee Davenport Sep 9
6 reasons real estate can't be 'Ubered'
Given how the industry operates, it doesn't seem very likely
by Brett Keppler Sep 4
How to create a 5-star buyer showing experience
Mobile apps that will do the job and help you sell that house
by Bernice Ross Jul 20
Mobile app offers client meeting safety for Realtors
In wake of Florida agent attacks, personal safety app checks in with users to make sure they are safe — and alerts monitors if they are not
by Amy Tankersley Jun 9