3 tips for making six figures while working part-time hours
Chris Stafford, Epic Listing Agent, shares his top tips for making bank while working under 30 hours a week
by Pat Hiban Feb 14
Can you be a part-time real estate agent? Advice to know
Challenges may be too difficult for some to handle
by ActiveRain Jul 5
Podcast: How one first-year agent sold 50 homes
Joe McCalip's epic entry into real estate
by Tim & Julie Harris Sep 15
Podcast: How one part-time agent grew his business from 10 to 60 sales a year
Thomas Curtiss went from part time to taking care of his family during the recession
by Tim & Julie Harris Jul 27
5 lessons for brand new agent success
Don't burn out too quickly, follow this advice
by Julie Nelson Jul 26
Survey says: You can't have success without these 4 things
Key takeaways from the Texas Association of Realtors new agent study
by Bernice Ross Jun 13
3 ways to kill your real estate business
Avoid these mistakes to be successful
by Kyle Draper Mar 7
Podcast: How to go part-time agent to full-time superstar
Opinion: Why consumer behavior will eliminate the part-time agent
Only agents who work hard all the time will be able to keep up with consumer demand
by Tyler Smith Jul 28
The rise of gig-estate
With more people working gigs rather than careers, what does that mean for real estate?
by Tamir Poleg Jun 4
Part-time agent proves it doesn't take all day to sell millions a year
Virginia top producer thinks beyond his database to generate leads
by Tim & Julie Harris Feb 19
What does it take for new agents to succeed?
by Bernice Ross Jan 7
Commentary: qualification, down payments tougher when house deemed 'investment'
by Jack Guttentag Sep 26
Realtor Notebook
by Teresa Boardman Feb 12
Debate over hours worked vs. quality of service
by Inman Jan 14