Average homeowner paid $3,400 in property taxes last year, but that amount varies wildly from state to state depending on housing costs and taxes levied
Apr 17
At the metropolitan level, the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, Texas, area gained 146,000 people in a year's span
Apr 6
When borrowers are caught off guard because their financing doesn’t close at the rate and fees they expected, they tend to blame everyone in the room
Mar 12
Loan applications are increasing vigorously, while lenders are opening the spigots
Feb 5
Trust your team to handle things in the office, put the phone away and focus on family time
Feb 1
The latest and greatest in attractive, efficient home features
Jan 30
Homeowners aren't selling, and the prospect of rising rates could encourage them to 'lock-in' and stay put
Jan 16
Nearly half of all 60- to 70-year olds exit the workforce while still making house payments
Jan 4
Comparing the big brands by agent count, number of offices and more
Dec 26
Builder and broker communities are not on the same page, and won’t be until they start talking to each other, author contends
Dec 1
Time it takes to get a home loan increased by a full week in 2017, according to research by J.D. Power
Nov 9
Firms across the U.S. are sweetening the pot with bonuses and other work perks
Nov 7
Borrowers turn to real estate agents, lenders with a 'personal touch' over online sources
Oct 23
If you know someone is fibbing on his or her mortgage application and allow it to happen, you are contributing to the fraud
Oct 19
Sellers need to realize that everything is negotiable
Sep 14
Inventory needs a miracle, buyer interest may be dwindling and real estate is thinking seriously about driverless cars
Sep 6
The most important consideration isn’t getting into a co-borrowing deal, but how all parties plan to get out of it
Aug 30
The trials and tribulations of owning rental property
Aug 21
Study shows a little hand-holding can go a long way
Aug 2
The new breed of first-time and young borrowers expect more than they seem to be getting
Jul 28