An alternative FSBO script: 'Where are you moving?'
Offer to be a buyer's agent, demonstrate the value of an agent -- then stick around and see what happens
by Don Burns Apr 5
San Bernardino at night
Starting out as a new agent isn't easy no matter what your market looks like
by Gill South Mar 6
Poker chips and cards on a table
Why 'My services are free to a buyer' and other common statements may not stand up to scrutiny
by Teke Wiggin Oct 31
5 ideas to help find your buyer's dream house on a budget
Finding the best home for your budgeted homebuyer can be tricky, but these tips can help
by Whitney Bennett Oct 17
Need a business boost? Try this simple 30-day lead generation plan
The 13-step strategy that will win you more business
by Bruce Keith Jul 25
70 real estate lead generation ideas for 2016
Helpful tips according to DISC
by Lee Davenport Jun 27
Podcast: Dominating your market one door at a time
Coming from a law enforcement and investigation background, Tony Martin weighs on listing research and how to impress homeowners
by Tim & Julie Harris Apr 12
Will new commission models die in the next downturn?
These innovations are working right now in a seller's market, but changing market conditions could wreck the whole strategy
by Bernice Ross Mar 28
Send a text, get a dirty job done: Presto
A new business set up to help real estate agents handle menial admin tasks finds social media is where agents are requesting support.
by Gill South Mar 1
Broker portal reveals MLS data terms
FSBOs are out (sort of), home value estimates are in, and leads go to the listing agent
by Andrea V. Brambila Aug 20