Scaling to freedom: How big does your team need to be?
If your goal is to have your business work for you rather than working for your business, scaling is the only way to win
by Ryan Rodenbeck Oct 28
3 fundamental ways to support your team members
In today's shifting landscape, a lot of agents are coming and going — joining and exiting teams. So, what can leaders do to create an atmosphere of support and growth?
by Kathleen Black Oct 22
3 building blocks for business resilience today
Instead of focusing on building, a lot of agents and teams have shifted gears. Now, they're rebuilding, adapting and tweaking their processes instead. Here are a few things to remember when crafting a strategy for moving forward
by Kathleen Black Oct 8
Plan, sort, pack! How to help homesellers prepare for a move
It’s understandable if clients get anxious when preparing their homes for sale — especially if they haven’t moved in decades. As an agent, you should guide them through the process, and remind them that all it takes is a little bit of planning ahead
by Gerard Splendore Sep 14
Don't give up on radio! There's still value in radio ads
Sure, radio might not be what it was in its heyday. However, the low costs and the proliferation of podcasts and other streaming services could make it an attractive option for some agents. Here's what you need to know
by Brandon Doyle Sep 14
Feeling the burnout? 4 ways to avoid WFH stress
Real estate professionals have been at it for six months now, balancing the stress of working from home with a host of other distractions. To avoid being pulled into a state of exhaustion and burnout, here are four tips to keep in mind
by Kathleen Black Sep 10
Want to inspire your agents to be better? 5 coaching tips for brokers
Brokers can bring so much to the table by offering coaching opportunities to agents. Your motivations, guidance, advice and availability is critical to their success. Here are a handful of coaching tips brokers should heed
by Erica Ramus Aug 20
How to help sellers (and keep your sanity) through a messy divorce
Home sales resulting from divorce can be fraught with peril. Here's how to navigate through this rocky relationship terrain
by John Giffen Feb 9
Feeling the burnout? 8 tips for getting yourself back on track
With the changing landscape of our field, the changing business models and the speed at which we have to respond to survive, it’s strategic and smart to start practicing self-care
by Stephanie Lanier Jan 3
3 things real estate agents should do to retire comfortably
The earlier you plan for and take action toward retirement, the better
by Pat Hiban Apr 25
Two runners at the starting line
This could be the most brilliant move of your life -- plan accordingly
by Julie Nelson Jul 13
A woman sitting on her living-room floor going over bills.
OpesView mobile app enables buyers to get a full picture of their financial future
by Amy Tankersley Nov 29
How to plan a successful team retreat
Rachel Adams details her event success
by Rachel Adams Nov 11