Why podcasts should be your next marketing venture
The 5 biggest things preventing your real estate success
Why you can't afford to mess up content marketing
Having expert credibility is priceless
by Connor Ondriska Apr 4
5 steps to penning a blog that prospects actually care about
If you want to create clients for life, you must stop selling and start serving
by Christina Ethridge Mar 10
How to better the quality of your leads
Use these tricks to weed out the uninterested
by Andrew Fogliato Mar 8
3 reasons agent safety advice falls on deaf ears
The psychology behind why agents ignore 'always take someone with you'
by Lee Goldstein Feb 9
3 email newsletter topics to hook prospects
Use a combination of email and direct mail to stay top-of-mind with past clients and to attract new ones
by Allan Goldstein Dec 4
How to market to the reptilian brain
The old brain is skeptical, and it takes great marketing to make action to happen
by Laura Viñalet Nov 23
The script that lost a sale
When following a pre-conceived concept of a conversation utterly backfires
by Amber Taufen Nov 13
A prospect is not a lead until you make it one
Engagement and systems are key to the process
by Rick Jarvis Nov 4
28 tips for becoming a digital marketing pop star
Hit the mark every time by employing these strategies
by Ibemere Obinna Jul 2
A new day for builder-Realtor relationships
As technology and markets change, preferences of each group will endure
by David Fletcher Apr 10
Builders recognizing that general agents control prospects
by David Fletcher Mar 27
Commentary: Realtors need inventory, builders need qualified prospects
by David Fletcher Mar 6
Be Perry Mason, and romance the heck out of them