Million Dollar Listers share their luxe open house secrets
There's power in hosting the perfect open house. Find out how James Harris and David Parnes add that something extra to create over-the-top experiences
by David Parnes AND James Harris Oct 6
Agents share their top lead generation methods for today's market
Find out what these real estate powerhouses are doing in today's market to generate leads and learn some of their favorite conversational frameworks to get the ball rolling
Buying sight unseen: What your buyers should know
Although every home purchase is a leap of faith, a sight-unseen transaction comes with its own sense of risk. Here's how to help clients come out on top
by David Parnes AND James Harris Sep 1
How management styles have evolved over the years
The old ways of doing things are giving way to newer, more innovative management styles that work, both for you and those you lead
by Michael Zaransky Aug 4
Need more support? 4 tips for making your first key hire
Starting with one key hire in the form of a real estate assistant will give you incredible leverage and should lead to significant growth, if you hire the right person
by Adam Hergenrother Feb 17
This April, real estate teams take the spotlight at Inman
Tune in for team-related opinion, insights and advice all month long on Inman
by Inman Jun 1
Pulse: What are you leaning on to get through 2020?
In looking back, what do you think is responsible for keeping your business going this year? Is it your team leader, colleagues, digital platforms, communication tools or something else?
by Inman Jul 29
Why team leaders must master the basics of business before expanding
The key to doing team expansion right is to spend the time and resources to establish a foundation of administrative services, operations and lead generation that can scale
by Adam Hergenrother Jul 16
How an agent's job changed in the last 10 years
At the start of the decade few people even had a smartphone, now you can complete most of the homebuying process on one.
by Jeff Sibbach Jan 9
The one secret to success? Grit
What is important is you (and each of the agents on your team) is the need to have something to fall back on to generate new business.
by Chris Pollinger Jan 2
How I started running my team from home
Running your team from home is manageable and, if done correctly, can be an asset for your team and your family.
by Nicole Lopez Dec 26
Why teams are perfect for today's real estate culture
Once the right group of people is brought together, the business thrives and allows for future growth.
by James Harris AND David Parnes Dec 12
Why some agents hate the team model (and why they shouldn't)
It’s not uncommon to hear some team members ask what they need to do to go it alone. And that question makes sense
by Jeff Sibbach Dec 5
Header luxury home overlooking san francisco bay(3)
We will return to a business when we get what we expect. We refer businesses when we get more than we expected.
by Chris Pollinger Nov 28
How to create a streamlined, effective communications strategy for your team
With so many moving parts and team members always in motion, having a well-defined communications plan ensures a team is operating at its highest efficiency. 
by James Harris AND David Parnes Nov 21