Dollars and sense: 10 things financially smart agents already know
Establishing the habits of success starts with self-awareness and being honest with yourself
by Jack Gross Jan 13
Keeping It Real: Why you have to take control
Do yourself a favor, and get out of your own way
by Peter Lorimer Oct 31
5 newbie marketing tactics that make you seem experienced
Just because you’re new, doesn’t mean you have to sound like it. Here’s how to market yourself effectively — even if you just passed the test
by Christy Murdock Oct 24
Searching for a mentor? Look for these 11 qualities
The best mentors are progressive with their thinking, utilize technology in their daily business and set aside time to answer questions
by Missy Yost Sep 27
Why 'there's no such thing as bad publicity' is wrong
If you don't believe it, just ask Tiger Woods, Toyota and British Petroleum
by Jay Thompson Feb 20
Agent’s reputation, social media matter most to clients: study
The JD Power satisfaction survey also ranked Century 21 highest among first-time buyers and sellers
by Lew Sichelman Nov 28
Why relationships in real estate still edge out technology and data
Don't waste your time worrying about disruption, focus on what your clients really want
by Bernice Ross Mar 12
3 real estate industry tips from a brand and reputation guru
What would people say about you if you weren't in the room?
by Inman Apr 13
A pair of boxing gloves, red and blue
What our presidential candidates have taught me
by John Kotrides Oct 19
Liked or loathed: Does agent reputation impact values?
A bad experience can impact future transactions
by Rick Jarvis Aug 12
Stop thinking like a salesperson
Focus on client service more than the hustle
by Thomas Mitchell Aug 2
A woman watching television
As the public's perception of this industry is morphed by television's portrayal of fast money and easy deals, agents get a raw deal
by Craig C. Rowe Jun 17
Data encryption: A how-to guide for real estate professionals
Keep your clients' information safe
by Sarah Brown Jun 13
A network of threads connecting pins on a board
Your personal journey is your differentiator
by Ryan Fletcher Jun 9
Shiny ball bearings in a field of view
The lies we believe and the money we waste chasing them