Waiting rooms and gallery views: Attending a Realtor standards enforcement meeting on Zoom
At the National Association of Realtors' first-ever Virtual Realtors Legislative Meetings, attendees discuss navigating waiting rooms, breakout rooms and gallery views for ethics and arbitration hearings. Nonetheless, the exercise has been hailed as a success
W+R Studios announces new virtual product Cloud CMA Live
A new version of the popular CMA creation tool integrates with video conference platforms for coronavirus-compliant listing presentations. There's also live markup and built-in objection handling
by Craig C. Rowe May 5
A barista pouring latte art into a latte
Seven years ago, I said that buying a home should be as easy as buying a latte. My theatrics weren't enough to make that vision possible. But a pandemic is doing the trick today
by Brad Inman May 4
9 tips for navigating your business in a changing economy
How do agents effectively operate their businesses moving into this summer and fall? The answer is simple: Know your value
by John Giffen May 3
Stop already! 12 things agents shouldn’t be doing right now
This unique moment is a time to rise up and be better, so start by doing better
by Nicole Solari May 2
How can you serve your clients now? Focus on safety, not sales
The ability to handle most things virtually is the perk of living in today's world. Here's how you can serve and connect with clients while protecting their safety amid COVID-19
by Aaron Stelle Apr 30
Take Inman's 2nd real estate coronavirus survey here
The crisis brought the economy to a standstill and turned the future into a question mark. Help Inman understand how you're coping
by Jim Dalrymple II Apr 27
How to support your business — and your community — today
If you're pivoting your business to connect with others and serve now — you're already building a stronger base for future business. Here are a few more ways to strengthen your strategies and plant seeds of kindness in your community
by Missy Yost Apr 20
Don't be a stealth agent! Even during the COVID-19 crisis
Make it a priority in your daily schedule to connect with current and past clients as well as everyone in your sphere of influence
by John Giffen Apr 19
Real estate to be permanently more virtual following pandemic
Renee Funk and Joe Rand said agents and consumers alike are being forced to adopt new tech amid the pandemic. That could make the real estate industry more efficient
by Jim Dalrymple II Apr 16
How to prospect in a shelter-in-place world
When staying at home and working virtually, how do you prospect and keep moving forward? Here are three initiatives you can adopt for your team
by David Parnes AND James Harris Apr 16
7 body language do's and don'ts for effective virtual meetings
Online meetings are the new norm, which is why now's the perfect time to hone your virtual communication skills. Here are the best body language practices to help you get your point across effectively
by Debbie Biery Apr 16
4 basics to remember in the era of virtual business
Here are a few things to keep in mind when migrating your team's business to the virtual world
by Mauricio Umansky Apr 9
How to keep your Zoom calls free of lurkers
Don’t be afraid to use video conferencing tools, but understand how they work, how they can be abused, and how to minimize the nonsense and maximize the good
by Jay Thompson Apr 8