How much do you spend on real estate technology?
Take our survey for a chance to win two free passes to ICSF 2017
by Inman Jun 5
How women brokers are reinventing the rules of leadership: Part 1 of 2
Women have the mindset, skills and values necessary to drive the real estate industry into a successful future
by Bernice Ross Jun 5
5 steps to building a following on Facebook and LinkedIn
People want to see you, not your listings
by Kyle Draper Jun 5
Trump exits climate deal: Reactions from real estate
Agents and brokers from all around the country give their take
by Gill South Jun 2
10 things you didn't know about real estate
Secret sources, white collar crimes, pop culture and ancient history -- this is the stuff you won't find in a press release
by Brad Inman Jun 2
Boston Logic buys Propertybase, with more acquisitions in sight
Software provider purchased Propertybase for global reach and integration
by Teke Wiggin Jun 1
Why we need to make room for the emancipated MLS
It's time to say goodbye to antiquated traditions
by James Harrison May 31
How to merge your real estate brokerage without regrets
Two players who recently took the leap give their take
by Gill South May 31
Are you a doer or a leader? 5 telling characteristics
Willingness to take action and actively participating in projects makes all the difference
by Maja Mrsic May 31
Re/Max announces co-CEO arrangement between Contos, Liniger
SVP of financial planning and analysis Serene Smith will step into Contos' shoes as the new COO
by Amber Taufen May 30
What you'll learn at the very first ICSF Women Leaders track
Get inside tips from women who have worked their way to the top
by Inman May 26
Craigslist: Forget the ‘it’s so ancient’ mantra
Despite its 1990s look, Craigslist offers inexpensive, effective listing and recruitment tools
by Inman May 26
Would charging fees for Instant Offers make Zillow a broker?
Companies like Opendoor and OfferPad hold licenses, but they are direct buyers whereas Zillow is a middleman
by Andrea V. Brambila May 25
Reali, mobile app-based brokerage, nabs $5M
Reali uses low fees, beacons and transparent bidding
by Teke Wiggin May 25
$10M listing or bust: Breaking into luxury real estate without being rich
Zach and Cody Vichinsky see themselves as disrupters in the way that high-end real estate is analyzed, marketed and sold
by Gill South May 25