Built by Home Junction, this software integrates a number of common marketing tasks for agents to better showcase listings
by Craig C. Rowe Apr 16
ZipCRM will manage contacts and transactions for zipForm Plus users
New CRM offers transaction integration features but largely emulates its white-label partner, Wise Agent
by Craig C. Rowe Feb 28
Can Back At You Media solve your Facebook content needs?
Company offers agents a top-to-bottom Facebook content management solution with lead-gen and individual listing pages
by Craig C. Rowe Sep 13
Help millennials find their home's value with myAVM
A sleek design and engaging interface amp up the 'what's my home worth' lead-gen tactic
by Craig C. Rowe Aug 21
Facebook ad campaigns made easy with Boost by HomeSpotter
New feature automates ad campaigns and includes custom landing pages for each one
by Craig C. Rowe Aug 18
How to use a landing page for real estate lead generation
Drive traffic and boost business with rich content and effective calls-to-action
by Greg Lyles May 16
5 tips to take back real estate lead generation with killer landing pages
Pair effective lead capture with a well-planned marketing funnel
by Pat Hiban Apr 25
How W+R Studios' new landing pages stand out
Company says leads generated by agents more cost-effective than those from third-party portals
by Andrea V. Brambila Jan 19
Podcast: Use embedded commands to influence buyers and sellers into action
4 tactics to increase your site engagement with video
How to capitalize on your marketing investments
by Brian Andzejewicz Aug 10
A focus group listening to a speaker.
Don't just delete inactives and call it a day -- engage through common interests
by Chris Angell Mar 17
Using landing pages to build relationships with prospective clients
Catch your leads, and keep them coming back
by Jason Pummill Feb 3
How to leverage landing pages for relationship-building
Create real connections by providing an authentic service
by Jason Pummill Feb 2
How to generate more investment leads with bandit signs
That small billboard can yield tons of business
by Than Merrill Jan 21
Turning Christmas lights into leads
Aggregate addresses of Christmas light displays from other sources and publish in blog post with lead-capture feature
by Teke Wiggin Dec 8