Generate leads 24/7: How to build your website with your expertise
When you’re putting together your website, every word counts. Part 1 of this 5-part series shows how to ensure your site is communicating effectively on your behalf
by Christy Murdock Mar 20
CHALLENGE: Make your social media look flawless in 7 days
Enhance, optimize and fine-tune your online presence in seven days using this social media refresh checklist for real estate. Then share your progress
by Christy Murdock Mar 20
How that 'Distracted Boyfriend' meme could end up costing you
Sharing the latest funny photo is an almost irresistible impulse. However, if it crosses the line into marketing, you could be setting yourself up for financial consequences
by Christy Murdock Mar 17
That's such a turnoff! 7 major marketing mistakes agents make
Your marketing should be strategic, purposeful and professional. Here are some major marketing turnoffs that you should avoid
by Laura Viñalet Mar 17
QUIZ: Test your real estate marketing IQ
Test your real estate marketing knowledge and see if you're an expert or still a newbie
by Jessi Healey Mar 17
How bad is it? The worst website mistakes (and how to avoid them)
Some website mistakes are worse than others, here's a list of the most common ones and how bad for business they really are. Plus, tips for how to correct them
by Jessi Healey Mar 15
The biggest marketing mistake agents make: Pulse
As Marketing and Branding Month keeps on truckin', we asked you to weigh in on the biggest marketing mistake agents make. Here's what you had to say
by Inman Mar 15
7 out-of-the-box client appreciation ideas
Want to take your client relationships to the next level and have some fun while doing it? Think client appreciation parties — with a twist
by Darryl Davis Mar 15
With ChatGPT, Addressable fully automates direct mail marketing
Addressable is partnering with Open AI’s ChatGPT software to make it even easier for agents to execute personalized marketing efforts. The product is called SmartCopy
by Craig C. Rowe Mar 14
A new faucet? Hand sanitizer? The unlikely marketing spends that have a big payoff
Marketing doesn't just come from online platforms and social media. Some of the most important things you need can be found nearby
by Teresa Boardman Mar 14
AI can transform your content marketing. Here's how to use it right
Want to do more than write a sonnet with the latest AI tools? Here’s how to put them to work on your content, and the platforms you need now
by Christy Murdock Mar 14
No, it's not 2008: How to talk to your clients about Silicon Valley Bank
The meltdown of Silicon Valley Bank sent shockwaves through the proptech industry. Here’s how to keep it from poisoning the well during the spring market
by Troy Palmquist Mar 13
CHALLENGE: Refresh your website in 7 days
If your website is looking more Myspace than TikTok, it's probably time for a refresh. Here's how to get it done this week
by Christy Murdock Mar 13
10 tips for crafting CTAs that convert browsers into buyers
How can you write the most effective call to action? Here are 10 tips for writing CTAs that’ll get consumers to take action
by Darryl Davis Mar 13
What the top brokerages' color choices say about them (and how to choose your personal branding)
Color can make a difference in everything from how you feel to how you’re perceived. Find out how to use it more effectively in your branding and marketing
by Christy Murdock Mar 10
How to craft a personal brand that sticks (even if you switch)
People will remember your profile sometimes more often than they will remember your name if you do it right. Learn how color can impact your brand and your audience engagement