I don't dance: 5 TikTok marketing ideas for agents with 2 left feet
If the recent influx of agents dancing for views on their social channels gives you the ick, try these 5 short-form content ideas instead
by Rachael Hite Mar 8
How to shoot your own listing videos and photos on the iPhone
Using your iPhone to capture professional quality marketing collateral for your listing is possible. These pro tips will help you make your snaps stunning
by Latham Jenkins Mar 8
Is it worth it? 10 common marketing metrics and how they measure up
These are the metrics you should watch and the ones you can forget
by Jessi Healey Mar 8
7 marketing metrics that matter most (and how to measure them)
Targeting the right audience is a critical factor in real estate marketing success. Here's how to crunch the numbers and make sure you're as effective as possible
by Laura Viñalet Mar 7
Too much competition? 10 branding insights to get you noticed
A great real estate brand coupled with outstanding customer service is a winning formula for attracting more clients and closing more deals
by Bernice Ross Mar 7
CHALLENGE: Refresh your bio and headshot in 7 days
Now is the perfect opportunity to revamp your marketing and branding. Embrace this seven-day challenge to showcase your best self, starting with an enhanced bio
by Christy Murdock Mar 6
Family matters: 5 marketing tips based on NAR’s multi-generational data
Far from a temporary, pandemic-era adaptation, multi-generational households are more popular than ever. Find out what NAR’s study reflects and how you can better serve your buyers
by Christy Murdock Mar 6
QUIZ: Have you gotten lazy with your marketing?
If you want to keep your pipeline filled, you can't slack off on marketing. Take this quiz to find out if you're doing everything you can (and should) be doing now
by Laura Viñalet Mar 3
23 ways to turn one listing into many, many more
Here are 23 ways to both market the home and yourself so that you can turn your latest real estate listing into many future deals
by Jimmy Burgess Mar 3
This little-known niche helps charities (and agents) get paid
Help your favorite non-profit unlock charitable gifts of real estate while you earn a full commission as well
by Bernice Ross Mar 2
Combine social listening with your CRM to upgrade your marketing
Social listening and customer relationship management software allow agents to use data in real time to make informed decisions about both marketing and sales of properties
by Alyssa Brody Mar 1
Is it worth it? The cost risks of 10 traditional marketing tactics
Real estate marketing tools and tactics can cost time, money, energy or repeat business, and therefore, it's imperative to parse through what's worth the investment and what's not
Easy and FREE: 14 tools to create stunning social media graphics
Elevate your social media feeds without spending a single penny. Explore these 14 free and easy-to-use tools for creating captivating graphics
by Jessi Healey Mar 1
Here's where you're cutting back your marketing spend: Pulse
Last week, we asked you to tell us where you're trimming the fat in your budget. Here's what you had to say
by Inman Mar 1
The no-nonsense guide to bootstrapping your business
Think DIY is just for newbies to the real estate industry? Find out how you can bootstrap aspects of your business at any point — and how to decide which skills you bring to the table
by Christy Murdock Mar 1
Helping new buyers get 'invested' in real estate
When working with buyers, take that conversation one step further and share what you know about the different investment opportunities in real estate
by Brittny McKay Feb 28