How to find business when it's not coming to you
Now is the time to take charge and remind yourself that there are still opportunities in today's world. Be proactive, resilient and willing to seek out opportunities even when they're not exactly knocking on your door. Here's how
by Ron Wynn Jun 11
Why being busy isn't the answer
In spending so much time at home, some people might be feeling the pressure to be productive and to do more. However, a constant state of busyness is not the only route to success and even more importantly, to fulfillment in life. Here's why
by Jay Thompson Apr 29
Want to be a top producer? Do these 6 things
Top agents didn't get where they are without thought, dedication, perseverance and grit
by Missy Yost Feb 24
4 questions you must answer before expanding your team
To grow and scale your business, you need to be clear on who you are and what you stand for
by Kevin Kauffman Feb 20
pulse: tell us about a high point in your career
Starting your own team, landing a big listing, helping a family in need find a home — success takes many forms, and we want to hear about your proudest moments
by Inman Jan 29
Jon Cheplak on how to screen for exceptional talent
What questions should you ask to screen for uber productive agents? What are the attributes of top producers? Real estate coach Jon Cheplak shares his insights
by Ryan Rodenbeck Nov 29
Keeping It Real: Invest in yourself, and increase your bottom line
Don’t wait to be fed information with a silver spoon. Go out, and hunt and forage for what you need to grow
by Peter Lorimer Nov 21
Keeping It Real: A simple equation for nixing fear
Keep your eye on the ball, commit to your creativity, and you’ll make an impact
by Peter Lorimer Oct 10
Focus! Where agents should really be spending their time
Rather than falling into the trap of getting stuck on unnecessary distractions, put your energy into these facets of your business instead
by Jeff Glover Sep 10
11 ways agents fail (and how to avoid them)
Sidestep the items on this list, and you'll be on the right path
by Laura Viñalet Dec 15
7 steps for obsessively committing to your business and success
If you want to be the best you must be obsessed
by Spyro Kemble Jul 30
How do you become a more successful agent? Do these 3 things
By defining your own version of success, keeping a strong value on your time and being consistent, you will win in the long term
by Kevin Hoover May 10
5 principles for building a successful real estate team
Great team leaders continue to make adjustments and refine their business, skills and systems
by Justin Udy Sep 14
How to D.R.I.V.E. yourself to success in real estate
Find what makes you and your vision of the future unique, and see how that's best utilized
by Matt Johnson Aug 30
Four puzzle pieces connected
Establish short- and long-term goals to build your future
by Ayisha Sereni Aug 24