Getting started as a real estate agent: 102 tips from top Realtors
Inman reached out to more than a hundred of the country's top-performing Realtors and asked them what they would say to a real estate agent just starting out in 2023. These are their answers
How to protect and leverage your database
Staying top-of-mind is all about staying in touch. Here's how savvy agents reach out on a regular basis to their database
by Tom Toole Jan 31
Why age is just a number when you're working with clients

Lumping people into “generations” based on population shifts on a graph and applying wholesale marketing techniques to them makes about as much sense as me telling you to avoid people born in the year of the rabbit, says Jay Thompson. Here’s why he thinks marketing by age demographics is a racket.

by Jay Thompson Jan 28
Salary, healthcare and 401K matching: How this employee-owned brokerage thrives
The Colorado company may be the only residential real estate brokerage to go through the process of becoming employee-owned. Here's how it works
by Taylor Anderson Jan 27
Do you speak your baby boomer clients' language?
Take Inman's baby boomer quiz to see how well you understand one of the biggest generations the US has ever seen
by Jim Dalrymple II Jan 26
How to work with baby boomers, the X-factor in today's housing market
Baby boomers are the second-largest generation in US history. They're now becoming empty nesters and retiring but remain a force in the housing market
by Jim Dalrymple II Jan 26
Readers dish about the agents they appreciate: Pulse
To close out Agent Appreciation Month, we asked Inman readers to share those agents who made their real estate life and career better.
by Inman Jan 26
Got a little extra cash? 7 ways broker-owners can show their agents appreciation 
These strategies provide positive reinforcement while keeping the budget front and center
by Erica Ramus Jan 26
How to work with Gen X clients: A powerful (but overshadowed) force
Generation X is smaller than the cohorts that came both before and after. But the group is also in its prime earning and homebuying years now, meaning it's a force to be reckoned with
by Jim Dalrymple II Jan 25
Do you speak your Gen X clients' language?
Generation X is sandwiched between the millennials and the baby boomers, but over the years they've also become a major force in the housing industry
by Jim Dalrymple II Jan 25
Do you speak the same language as your Gen Z clients?
Take Inman's Generation Z quiz to see how well you understand the youngest homebuyers in the U.S.
by Jim Dalrymple II Jan 24
How to survive the future as Generation Z hits the real estate market
Generation Z includes people now in their 20s and teens. They're young, but beginning to buy houses and poised to become a major force in the near future.
by Jim Dalrymple II Jan 24
How to deal with online trolls in 2022
Internet trolls have evolved and intertwined into an ecosystem that fuels your business. How you interact will carve out your space from this point forward. Here are a few ways you can stay prepared
by Rachael Hite Jan 24
More agents are fighting for fewer homes: Here's how to rise to the top
The real estate industry is becoming more competitive, with NAR enrolling a record number of agents in 2021 and inventory dipping below 1M. Four brokers share how to survive choppy waters
by Marian McPherson Jan 24
Do you speak your millennial clients' language?
Take Inman's millennial quiz to see how well you understand the largest homebuying cohort in the US
by Jim Dalrymple II Jan 23
How to talk to millennials as they take over the real estate world
Millennial real estate preferences are shaped by a desire for convenience and amenities, coupled with the lingering effects of the Great Recession. This is the first installment in Inman's 5-part series on the ways people from different generations approach the homebuying experience
by Jim Dalrymple II Jan 23