'A slippery slope': 14 pros weigh in on biggest contract mistakes
Are you writing an error-free, winning offer? We reached out to industry professionals across the country to find out what contract details agents are getting wrong in today's market
by Christy Murdock Jul 27
Open houses are out: Here's how to get your name out there
Traditional marketing and growth strategies were upended, thanks to the pandemic. Here are a few ways agents can use their special sauce to engage buyers, promote their brand and get that listing sold
by Victoria Kennedy Jul 27
22 ways you may be violating the Realtor Code of Ethics
Agents misrepresent themselves and aspects of their transaction, sometimes without even knowing it, according to broker and ethics hearing officer Barbara Betts
by Andrea V. Brambila Jul 27
How telling a couple to get counseling led to 4 more deals
Buying or selling will always be stressful to some degree. As an agent, recognizing conflict is a critical skill that needs to be developed and honed
by Carl Medford Jul 27
'Work your community': How new agents can adapt to a slowdown
Members of the Inman Coast to Coast Facebook group recently shared tips for new agents on how to change with the times as the market experiences a moderate slowdown
by Lillian Dickerson Jul 26
8 new agent mistakes to avoid from the get-go
So you've got your real estate license in hand — now what? Of course, finding a place to work and securing those first clients may seem like they should top your list, but there are a few other details newbies shouldn't neglect
by Gerard Splendore Jul 26
How to couch armchair expert advice
Knowing how to combat misguided viewpoints with vetted knowledge and confidence is vital. Here's how to deal with a few common scenarios
by Cara Ameer Jul 26
5 secret ingredients to creating buyer loyalty
Put these ingredients in place for every buyer lead you receive, and you’ll succeed with more ease and fewer headaches — while building that ever-elusive loyalty
by Darryl Davis Jul 26
13 tips for crafting a better buyer offer
Learn the upsides (and downsides) of contract strategies, and find out how to guard against the most common errors
by Christy Murdock Jul 26
Social media calendar and post guide for real estate agents
Take the guessswork out of social media and put together a plan you can commit to. With scheduling, timing and more, you're sure to see results
by Jimmy Burgess Jul 25
Zero contacts? 6 ways to get clients as a newbie
Making connections is a crucial part of being a real estate agent. But if you're new to the scene, with no contacts at all, where do you even start? Here are a few tips for finding those potential clients
by Mauricio Umansky Jul 22
Defend your commission: 5 reasons you're worth it
Handle the commission objection with confidence, and know your value. These five reasons illustrate why you’re worth every penny
by Darryl Davis Jul 22
9 financial tips for new (and not-so-new) agents 
Here are some financial tips and techniques that can help you earn more, save more and prepare for eventual retirement
by Jay Thompson Jul 22
'You'll be on call 24/7': 14 realities your recruiting broker probably didn't tell you
Recruiters understand that your chances of surviving your first year in the business are low, and they'll say almost anything to get you onboard. Here is a list of truths they won't prepare you for
by Carl Medford Jul 21
Forget ‘fake it till you make it’: How to truly build confidence
Genuine confidence comes from getting uncomfortable, trying new things, and learning from your success and failures
by Adam Hergenrother Jul 21
How to give your clients the best advice and information
Your clients rely on you for reliable, accurate information. Here are some things to consider before you act on or pass along something you’ve heard or read
by Christy Murdock Jul 20