10 easy ways to repurpose your video content for maximum impact
The key to maximizing the impact of your long-form video content lies in a well-structured repurposing strategy
by Karen Stone Aug 15
19 community-centric heat wave initiatives for Realtors
As scorching heat waves become more frequent and intense, communities and real estate pros can come together and devise innovative solutions to protect those who are most vulnerable
by Darryl Davis Aug 14
Whom should you be following on Instagram?
Every week Sue 'Pinky' Benson answers your most pressing Instagram questions. This week, she's helping you choose some new folks to follow
by Sue Benson Aug 14
Understanding the sales funnel: A guide for new real estate agents
Feeling a little lost about sales funnels? Here's an explainer to break down what they are and how to use them to grow your real estate business
by Jessi Healey Aug 12
7 lies unsuccessful agents believe that are holding them back
Don’t believe the lies. You are in the right place, at the right time, and in the exact business that can help you build the life you always dreamed of having
by Jimmy Burgess Aug 11
Katie Lance: ‘We’re in a big moment with ChatGPT and AI’
At ICLV, the social media consultant offered a prescription for using AI and ChatGPT in your real estate business, from marketing to customer service to automated lead gen
by Christy Murdock Aug 9
Share your Inman experience. It's an investment in your business
Sharing your Inman experience, or any real estate conference for that matter, on social media is actually a smart move
by Karen Stone Aug 8
With off-market listings, sellers rarely know best, luxury agents say
How do you balance what a privacy-driven luxury seller wants when it’s a clear break from MLS rules and general industry standards? Panelists at Inman Luxury Connect discuss the challenges
by Craig C. Rowe Aug 7
7 door-to-door sales secrets to make you a better door knocker
Self-proclaimed door-knocking champ Ernesto Vargas will be onstage at ICLV this week, helping attendees hone their presentation skills to engage with the people they encounter
by Ernesto Vargas Aug 7
3 ways to create a culture of safety in your office
You can create a safer, more positive culture in your office, even if you're not the one who's actually in charge
by Andi Blackwell Aug 5
There's a fine line between 'thirsty' and 'hustling'
These 5 do’s and don’ts will keep you on the right side of being a hustling hero and not looking like you need a cold glass of water
by Laura Stace Aug 5
How the shift from bricks to clicks is reshaping real estate
Embracing the digital shift is not only essential for survival but also offers immense opportunities for growth and success in the real estate market of the future
by Victoria Kennedy Aug 3
'Empowered with great products,' Zillow acquires Aryeo
Aryeo offers an online platform for managing real estate marketing media, founded by a trio of real estate photographers and media creatives. It will fall under ShowingTime+, Zillow said
by Craig C. Rowe Aug 2
How much does it cost to open up a new brokerage?
Don’t let the costs scare you. Your willingness to plan and prepare will contribute greatly to your success as a brokerage owner
by Kevin Woody Aug 2
12 rules of the road for new (and experienced) agents 
The road to real estate success is paved with strong connections, integrity and a genuine focus on meeting the needs of the client
by Bernice Ross Aug 2
books, reads, reading, read, beach, education, summer reads, beach reads, vacation, vacay
Here’s our list of reads — worthy of adding to your summer reading list, whether you hold the pages in your hand or listen to an audible version
by Dani Vanderboegh Jul 31