Inflation cools again in June, giving mortgage rates room to ease
As inflation gets closer to Fed’s 2 percent target, economists at Fannie Mae and the Mortgage ...
by Matt Carter Jul 26
More than 10M homesellers targeted in class-action media blitz
JND Legal Administration, the company tapped by lawyers to oversee administrative tasks around the ...
by Taylor Anderson Jul 26
EXp Realty taps healthcare exec to lead sustainability efforts
Former USANA Health exec Donald Cherry will now lead eXp Realty’s sustainability efforts. Cherry is ...
by Marian McPherson Jul 26
Black homesellers get better offers with iBuyers, but there's a catch
A University of Washington study revealed iBuyers give Black homeowners better offers than they ...
by Marian McPherson Jul 26
Citron founder Andrew Left charged with stock manipulation
A longtime thorn in Zillow’s side, Left and his firm Citron Capital LLC face charges from the DOJ ...
by Matt Carter Jul 26


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